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Screening: Flowers of War

A part of the Asian Film Series sponsored by the Organization of Asian Studies at The George Washington University.

September 4, 2012 5:30pm to 8:00pm

WWII in East Asian Cinema: 

In American cinematic depictions of WWII in Asia, the "war" is often shown as beginning with Japan's attack on the US at Pearl Harbor in 1941. Although America's ultimately four year long war against Japan was essential to the conclusion of World War II in Asia, many Americans are unaware that the US's war against Japan was only part of an already ten year long conflict in Asia. How Asians experienced and fought World War II remains for the most part an untold story for Americans. The goal of this four part film series is to present to the members of the GW community an opportunity to view a cinematic perspective on WWII rarely seen outside of Asia. 

Flowers of War (2011: China) 
Tuesday September 4, Reception 5:30PM-6:00PM, 
Screening 6:00PM-8:00PM 


Free, please RSVP.