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Sources of Shang History: New Discoveries and Advances in Chinese Archaeology and Paleography

This symsposium honors the 80th birthday of one of the greatest scholars in the field of Chinese Oracle bones, Professor Emeritus David N. Keightley. Scholars will come together to present a selection of new work in the field of oracle bones, and assess the legendary work of Professor Keightley.

October 26, 2012 1:00pm to 2:00pm


Roderick B. Campbell, Assistant Professor, East Asian Archaeology and History, New York University; 
Adam Smith, Fellow, Society of Fellows in the Humanities, Columbia University; 
Adam Schwartz, Graduate Student, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago
Lothar von Falkenhausen, Professor, Art History; Associate Director, Cotsen Institute, University of California, Los Angeles; 
David Pankenier, Professor, Modern Languages and Literature, Lehigh University
Moderator: Wen-hsin Yeh, Director, Institute of East Asian Studies; Walter and Elise Haas Chair Professor in Asian Studies; 
Richard H. and 
Laurie C. Morrison Chair in History, University of California, Berkeley
Featured Speaker and Moderator
Edward L. Shaughnessy, Creel Distinguished Service Professor of Early China; Chair, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago
Featured Introductory Lecture:
Edward L. Shaughnessy, University of Chicago:
"David Keightley Visits the Shang Ancestral Temple."

Session One: Archaeology and Shang Civilization
Moderator: Edward L. Shaughnessy, University of Chicago

Roderick B Campbell, New York University: 
"Wu Ding, Shang and the Central Plains Civilization: New Archaeological Work and its Potential"
Wang Tao, TBA

Discussant: Lothar von Falkenhausen, UCLA
Session Two: Oracle Bones and Shang History
Moderator: Wen-hsin Yeh, University of California, Berkeley
Adam Schwartz, University of Chicago: 
"Prayer in the Huayuanzhuang oracle bone inscriptions"
Adam Smith, Columbia University: 
"Time in the Huayuanzhuang Dongdi oracle bones: reconstructing the scheduling of Shang ritual activity."
Discussant: David Pankenier, Lehigh University
This event is free and open to the public. No RSVP necessary.