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The Emerging Cultural and Creative Industries in the Greater China Economy: The Cross-strait Co-opetitive Strategy

The UCLA Center for Chinese Studies and Center presents a talk with Associate Prof. Tse-Ping Dong, Ph.D.

April 19, 2012 4:00pm to 5:30pm

Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) are potentially among the most influential sunrise industries in the 21st century, therefore both advanced countries and Asia-pacific emerging countries are continuing to strengthen the development of those industries. With the rise of the Greater China economy, mainland China has gradually transformed itself from world factory to world market. China's government has decided to push cultural industries strategically as a key economic sector in the 12th 5-year plan. By promoting it to become a pillar industry of the national economy by 2015, China’s plan offers abundant opportunities for the industry. At the same time, the Taiwan authority has continued to cultivate the CCI as a major national development policy. Taiwan signed the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) with China in 2010, substantially opening economic exchange and cooperation across the straits.

In the post-ECFA era, what are the charisma and market opportunities of Greater China’s experience economy? And how can China and Taiwan integrate mutually complementary advantages to form industrial value networks and enhance their international competitiveness to succeed in the global market? Prof. Tse-Ping Dong will offer an in-depth analysis of the prospects and outlook for the CCI from the perspective of the cross-strait co-opetitive strategy.

About the Speaker: Tse-Ping Dong, Ph.D.
Professor Dong, Associate Professor of College of Management at National Taiwan Normal University and adjunct Associate Professor of College of Fine Arts, earned his MBA and Ph.D. from the College of Management at National Taiwan University, 2011-2012 and is currently a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at UCLA and UCSD. He specializes in digital content and cultural & creative industries, industrial research of motion pictures, innovation & entrepreneurship and investment, intellectual property and Asia-Pacific business strategies. He is particularly interested in cross-disciplinary research integrating business management, arts, technology and law. Professor Dong has published extensively, including more than 20 papers in several renowned international journals (SSCI/SCI/TSSCI/EI rank).

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