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USC East Asian Studies Center Manuscript Review

Graduate students and faculty from USC and the community are welcome to attend the East Asian Studies Center's manuscript review.

April 13, 2012 2:00pm to 5:00pm

Leading scholars in the field of Chinese history will discuss a new book manuscript by Brett Sheehan, Associate Professor of History at USC, entitled Industrial Eden: Missionaries, Developmental States, and a Chinese Capitalist Family, 1900-1952. Manuscript discussants include Sherman Cochran, Professor of History at Cornell University, and Parks Coble, Professor of History at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Brett Sheehan is the author of Trust in Troubled Times: Money, Banking and State-Society Relations in Republican Tianjin, 1916-1937 (Harvard University Press, 2003) and numerous articles and book chapters. In his new book, he explores the relationship between authoritarian developmental states and capitalism from about 1900 to 1953 in China.

Interested attendees must read the manuscript.

To RSVP and request a copy of the manuscript, please contact EASC at

The EASC Manuscript Review program endeavors to provide constructive feedback to faculty preparing monographs or other large academic works prior to submission for publication. To do so, EASC organizes a review workshop in which reviewers and the author are able to interact with and respond to each other's comments in order to collectively devise strategies for strengthening the final text. To maximize thoughtful and helpful discussion, EASC only asks that all participants read the entire manuscript.