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Design Your Own Inquiry; Part One of End of Unit Project: Billie Johnson - US China Curriculum Project

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Billie Johnson
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Design Your Own Inquiry; Part One of End of Unit Project: Billie Johnson - US China Curriculum Project

What is a topic that you want to learn more about in Ancient East Asia that we did not cover during the school year?

Overview of Lesson

Using your understanding from the inquiry process that we engaged with this year, think back and find an area in history that you wish we had covered more or that we weren’t able to cover at all. Think Ancient Japan, Ancient China, or Ancient Korea. You then build your own inquiry around this topic! You get to ask questions, research your question, and eventually design a museum exhibit that demonstrates your learning.  This project is all about you.  What interests you: Societal organization; Warring States; Architecture; Religion; Politics; Women in History; Childbirth; Marriage; or just about anything that you are curious about? You will create your own compelling question and at least two (2) supporting questions to provide evidence to your argumentative claim which is, of course, the answer to your compelling question. Then, you will do your research to find evidence to support your claim.  Finally, you will curate your very own museum exhibit and have a gallery art walk in class. Ready! Set! Go!