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What's Wrong with America and China?

University of San Francisco's Center for the Pacific Rim presents a talk by Dr. Ronnie C. Chan on current U.S.-China relations.

October 11, 2011 5:45pm to 12:00am

What does China's spectacular rise mean to the people in America and China?  Dr Chan will discuss the differences in the political systems of US and China rooted in different cultural traditions, and attempt to explain the actions and predicament in which the people of the two countries find themselves today.  He will also discuss the ramifications of such differences for US-China relations.

Ronnie C. Chan is the Chairman of Hang Lung Group and Hang Lung Properties.  He is a leader in Hong Kong's property market and has been expanding rapidly into mainland China in the past two decades.  Mr Chan has played major roles in various governmental and non-governmental organizations, most notably in the One Country Two Systems Research Institute, the Better Hong Kong Foundation, the China-US Exchange Foundation, the China Development Research Foundation of China's State Council, the China Heritage Fund, the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong, the Asia Business Council, the Council on Foreign Relations, the National Committee on United States-China Relations, the World Economic Forum, East-West Center, Pacific Council on International Policy, Eisenhower Fellowships, and the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation.

Mr. Chan serves or has served on the Board of many educational endeavors in China, India, Japan and the US.  He is the recipient of the Asia Society Leadership Award and an honorary doctorate from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and is the current Global Co-Chair of the Asia Society.

To RSVP call (415) 422-6828.

Free; RSVP recommended
Phone Number: 
(415) 422-6357