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Undoing/Redoing Modern Sino-Japanese Cultural and Intellectual History

Benjamin A. Elman will give lectures at Harvard University on the relationship between China and Japan.

April 13, 2011 4:00pm to April 15, 2011 6:00pm

1.      The Great Reversal: The “Rise of Japan” and the “Fall of China” after 1895 as Historical Fables

2.      Philologists as Rogues: Puzzles Concerning the Japanese Recovery of the Huang Kan (488-545) Subcommentary for the Meanings in the Analects 論語義疏 (C: Lunyu yishu; J: Rongo giso)

3.      Medical Philology in the “Second Rome”: Ancient Learning and the attack on “Traditional Chinese Medicine” in Tokugawa Japan

Phone Number: 
(617) 495-4046