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opportunity for hs students - Stanford China Scholars program

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opportunity for hs students - Stanford China Scholars program

SPICE - the Stanford Program for International and Cross-cultural Educations - is still accepting applications for the Fall 2018 session of the China Scholars Program (CSP). The new deadline is Saturday, June 30, 2018.

The CSP is an interactive, synchronous online course for high school students in the United States—the newest addition to SPICE's Pre-Collegiate Global Learning. Students will explore key issues in contemporary China, spanning politics, economics, social issues, culture, and the arts, and with an emphasis on its relationship with the United States. Modeled after our long-running Reischauer Scholars Program on Japan, the CSP will select approximately 20 exceptional high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors to engage in a one-semester, intensive study of contemporary China.

If you know a student who may be interested in this opportunity to learn directly from Stanford scholars, please spread the word! Students can apply online.

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