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September 2010 24th Conference on the Catholic Church in China Early Bird Deadline - July 31st

A Chinese Catholic Life of Faith

September 24, 2010 12:00am to September 26, 2010 12:00am

24th National Catholic China Conference

Sept 24-26, 2010 -  OLS Conference Center, Belleville, Illinois (

Keynote speaker
Most Rev. Pei Jun-min, Bishop of Shenyang, China

The 24th Annual US Catholic China Bureau Conference will be held Sept
24-26, 2010 at Belleville, IL. Theme is " A Chinese Catholic Life of
Faith," For information and early bird discount registration go to<

Early Bird : Before July 31st Double Room $375.00 Single Room: $450.00 Commuter: $225.00 After August 1st Double Room $425.00 Single Room: $500.00 Commuter: $250.00