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Third Annual China Undisciplined Conference

The UCLA China Studies Graduate Students, in conjunction with the UCLA Center for Chinese Studies present, China Undisciplined, an Interdisciplinary Conference.

May 14, 2010 9:00am to May 15, 2010 5:30pm

Friday, May 14th 2010

9:00-10:00 Breakfast

10:00-11:15 Panel I: Religion and Ritual
Discussant: Natasha Heller
Kaiqi Hua (University of California, Merced): The Auspicious Land of the Southeast: The Fengshui Application in Imperial Hangzhou (890-1276
Hanmo Zhang (University of California, Los Angeles): The dog-killing ritual and early concept of “gu "
Joseph Howard (University at Buffalo, State University of New York): Religious Terminology in the Words of Deng Xiaoping: A Close Reading

11:15-12:15 Panel II: Speaking Chinese
Discussant: Ni Eng Lim
Lin Lin (University of California, Los Angeles): Rethinking of the Chinese Demonstratives in the Columbia School Framework
Stephanie Kim (University of California, Los Angeles): The New French? An Examination of Chinese Language Programs in the United States

12:15-1:30 Lunch Break

1:30-2:45 Panel III: Border Crossings
Discussant: Min Li
Tom Narins (University of California, Los Angeles): Assembling Modern China with World Trade Centers not Empire State Buildings
Lizhi Liu (Stanford University: Impact of Chinese Exports on East Asian Countries’ Exports - Crowding out?
Josh Herr (University of California, Los Angeles): Defining premodernity?: The Sino-Vietnam border before the age of high colonialism

2:45-4:00 Panel IV: Regulating the Nation
Discussant: Ted Huters
Clara Iwasaki (University of California, Los Angeles): The Anatomy of a Nation: (De)colonial hygiene in Xin shitou ji
Tian Luo (Ohio University): The Road to a Harmonious Society: towards Prosperity of the Third Sector
Leksa Chmielewski (University of California, Irvine): The Construction of the Chinese Museum-Going Subject

4:00-4:15 Coffee Brea

4:15-5:30 Panel V: The Urban Generation
Discussant: Cameron Campbell
Pang Qin (City University of Hong Kong): The Chinese National Pride among the Urban Young Generations in PRC: Derogating Neighboring East Asia Countries but Promoting East Asian Consciousness?
Xiaolei Wu (University of California, Los Angeles): The Ideology, Experience, and Agency of Chinese Mothers: A Comparative Analysis
Sylvia Lindtner (University of California, Irvine): and beyond: The Culture and Politics of Digital Media in China

Dinner at Shaherzad (optional)


Saturday, May 15th 2010

9:00-10:00 Breakfast

10:00-11:15 Panel VI: Changing China
Discussant: Andrea Goldman
Roanna Cheung (University of California, Los Angeles): Sinicizing Modernity: Translation and the Evolving Epistemological Paradigm in Early Twentieth Century China
Guangyi Li (University of California, Los Angeles): “Xinnian meng” and the (Re)Conceptualization of World in Cai Yuanpei's Utopian Vision
Emily Baum (University of California, San Diego): A Behaviorist’s Fate: Guo Renyuan and the Life of the Mind in Republican China

11:15-12:15 Panel VI: Using Language
Discussant: Brian Bernards
CedarBough Saeji (University of California, Los Angeles): Discourses of Place in Tibetan Song: Comparison and Contrast of Recordings Produced in and out of China
Thomas Chen (University of California, Los Angeles): Cuicui's Blush: Verbal Dramatic Irony in Shen Congwen's Border Town

12:15-1:15 Lunch

1:15-2:45 Panel VIII: Envisioning the Past
Discussant: Lothar von Falkenhausen
Yali Yun (University of Science and Technology, Beijing): Characteristic features on bronze artifacts excavated in ancient west Dian region of Yunnan province in the Bronze age (12th BC ~ 5th BC
Yanlong Guo (University of British Columbia): The Heroic Fantasies of Immortality in Contemporary/Classical China: Freud, the Terra-cotta Army, and The Myth
Zhe Li (University of Sydney): Interdisciplinary Approaches to Contemporary Chinese Visual Culture?
Wei Wang (Washington University in Saint Louis): Reading Illustrations of the Novel Xiyoubu

2:45-3:00 Coffee Break

3:00-4:30 Panel IX: China and the World
Discussant: Yin Wang
Zachary Scarlett (Northeastern University): The world in the Cultural Revolution
Hsin-Pei Liu (University of California, Los Angeles): Building a Modern Nation-State: The Influence of Meiji Japan on Chinese Intellectuals Huang Zunxian and Jiang Baili
Nicolas Testerman (University of California, Los Angeles): Badiou, Mao, and Political Subjectivity

Closing Discussion (4:30-5:30 PM)