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Identity Shifts in Asia: Implications for Regional Cooperation

The Sigur Center for Asian Studies discusses the global implications of identity shifts in Asia. Professor Allen Carlson of Cornell University will speak about the continuous change of China's national identity.

April 27, 2010 12:00pm to 2:00pm

"Korea: National Identity, State Identity and Security"
Gregg Brazinsky, Associate Professor of History & International Affairs, The George Washington University

"China: National Identity in Flux?"
Allen Carlson, Associate Professor of Government, Cornell University

"Japan: Balancing Between the United States and Asia"
Mike Mochizuki, Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Associate Professor of Political Science & International Affairs, The George Washington University

"India: The Ambiguous Rising Power"
Deepa Ollapally, Associate Director, Sigur Center for Asian Studies

Moderator: Henry R. Nau, Professor of Political Science & International Affairs
Lindner Family Commons

Please RSVP to with your name, affiliation, and contact information by Thursday, April 22, 2010.
