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China - US Business Summit 中美企业峰会

Three day event devoted to helping link China and US based businesspeople understand the evolving business climate to forging effective company to company ties.

April 25, 2010 11:30am to April 27, 2010 12:30pm

April 25th: 11:30AM - 8:00PM
April 26th: 09:30AM - 6:00PM
April 27th: 09:30AM – 12:30PM

Complete Program:

Forum Speakers:
The April 26th, 2:00 pm to 4:30pm forum will cover issues such as how Chinese and Americans view US-China relations, China-US economic trends and development strategies of regional economy, experts to analyze policy bottlenecks, legal issues.

Summit Goals
- Chinese enterprises looking for channels of distribution in the U.S.
- Chinese enterprises interested in making investment and buyout in the U.S.
- Chinese enterprises in pursuit of business opportunities in the U.S.
- Helping U.S. small to medium enterprises business matching for investors

Sponsoring Organizations:
Hosted By: United States Pacific Rim Chamber, Chinese American Federation, Global Brand Evaluation Center, China Light Industrial Corporation for Foreign Economic& Technical Co-operation.
Co-Hosted By: Newshen International Inc., Beijing Newshen Cultural, Communications, Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles.
Cooperating organizations: Wisdom Valley Group, LinkCEO

The summit is also supported by:
The U.S. Department of Commerce, California State Government, Los Angeles Mayor’s Office, The Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Los Angeles.

V. I. P Attendees Include:
Zhang Yun - General Consulate of China, Los Angeles,
Judy Chu -U.S. Congresswoman,
Bob Huff - CA State Senate,
Mike Eng - California Assemblyman,
Demos Vardiabasis -California Economic Committee Commissioner ,
Alexander Kim - Representative of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger,
Sophie C. Wong - California State Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board Member,
Ron Garcia - Mayor of City of Brea,
Andre Quintero: - Mayor of City of El Monte,
Michael Cacciotti - Mayor of City of South Pasadena,
Frank Venti -Councilmember of City of Monterey Park,
Mary Su -President of Chinese Elected Official Association

Forum Speakers:
The April 26th, 2:00 pm to 4:30pm forum will cover issues such as how Chinese and Americans view US-China relations, China-US economic trends and development strategies of regional economy, experts to analyze policy bottlenecks, legal issues.

Speakers include:
Clayton Dube - Associate Director, US-China Institute, University of Southern California                                                              
Maria D. Acosta – L.A. District Manager -Dept of Commerce - Minority Business Development,          
Monica Chang - Research Fellow, Tele-information Institute, Columbia University
Lianlian Lin - Professor of Management, College of Business Administration, California State Polytechnic University
Adam W. Schorr - - Adjunct Professor at UCLA Law School, Partner, Margolis & Tisman LLP                                                               
Tom O’Malley – President of Global Financial Services LLC
Lei Hong - Director of Chinese overseas resources project investment / purchase committee
Sun Xing Hung -Marketing Strategist / China entrepreneur
Drexel L. Smith- President & CEO Drexel Consulting Group LLC
Youqing Ma - International Trade Specialist, Office of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa

Awards Ceremony:
Awards in five categories will be made to outstanding entrepreneurs and enterprises from China and the United States.

The summit also includes CEO Private Meetings, Project Announcement , VIP Golf Matching ,
and visits to local enterprises.

For Summit Ticket Package/Registration, please contact: Phoebe Jen.

Those interested in attending the Monday afternoon forum only, may request a free pass. Only 30 are available and will be assigned on a first come/first serve basis. Write to to request a pass. Those interested in participating in other parts of the summit should contact Phoebe Jen at the email address above.

3-Day Package for $180