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How Do Chinese University Students Perceive the Political Systems of China and the United States? A Survey of Five Key Universities in Beijing

The Chinese title for Chen Shengluo's presentation is “中国大学生对中美两国政治制度的看法调查研究."

April 7, 2010 4:00pm to 5:30pm

Professor Chen Shengluo 陈生洛 has taught at the China Youth University for Political Science (中国青年政治学院) since 1985. He earned his bachelor and master’s degrees at Peking University and his doctorate at Hong Kong Baptist University. Prof. Chen specializes in social surveys and has written extensively on Chinese student attitudes on many subjects, including opinion towards the United States, South Korea, and Japan, and Chinese political reform. Prof. Chen is completing four months as a visiting scholar at the USC East Asian Studies Center. His presentation will be in Chinese.

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