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Elite Politics and Inflation in China: Past and Present

Northwestern University's Victor C. Shih will speak as part of Sigur Center's lecture series on Sub-national Asia.

February 19, 2008 12:30pm to 1:45pm

Victor C. Shih is a political economist at Northwestern University specializing in China.  He is the author of a new book published by the Cambridge University Press entitled, Factions and Finance in China: Elite Conflict and Inflation. It is the first book to study the linkages between elite politics and banking policies in China. He is also the author of numerous articles appearing in academic and business journals, including The China Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, and The Far Eastern Economic Review. Dr. Shih holds a BA from the George Washington University, where he studied on a University Presidential Fellowship and graduated summa cum laude in East Asian studies with a minor in economics. He later received his doctorate in government from Harvard University, where he researched banking sector reform in China with the support of the Jacob K. Javits Fellowship and the Fulbright Fellowship. His current research concerns elite political dynamics in China and Chinese policies toward ethnic minorities.

RSVP: Please RSVP with your name, affiliation and email to by Friday, February 15, 2008.
