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A Brief History of the Chinese Divine Bureaucracy

University of California Berkeley hosts a talk with Vincent Goossaert

March 16, 2016 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Speaker: Vincent Goossaert, Directeur d'études - Sciences religieuses, École pratique des hautes études
Sponsor: Berkeley Center for the Study of Religion

Vincent Goossaert is a historian, professor at EPHE. He was guest professor at Geneva University and Chinese University of Hong Kong. He works on the social history of modern Chinese religion, and has focused on Daoism, on religious specialists as professionals and social roles, on the politics of religion, and on the production of moral norms. He has directed an international project on “Temples, Urban Society, and Taoists” (grants from CCKF, Taiwan and ANR, France), and is now co-directing the international project on “Chinese Religions in France” (grants from CCKF, Taiwan and ANR, France).

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