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Tan Dun's Water Passion

The Metropolitan Museum of Art presents Grammy- and Academy Award-winning Chinese composer Tan Dun and his work Water Passion.

November 14, 2015 2:00pm to 7:00pm

Gallery 131 (The Temple of Dendur in The Sackler Wing) Show location on map

"[Water Passion's] images are unlike anything that the average Western audience will have encountered in a concert hall before…it transcends language, cultural and religious divides."—Times, London

Tan Dun's work isn't just heard and seen, it is experienced—and his powerful Water Passion is experienced as never before when the Grammy– and Academy Award–winning Chinese composer stages the piece in the shadow of The Temple of Dendur. Originally written as a response to Bach's St. Matthew Passion, this astonishing work begins and ends with the sound of water emanating from seventeen illuminated, transparent bowls.

Stephen Bryant, baritone
Manhattan School of Music Chamber Choir
Kent Tritle, director
Ronnie Oliver, associate director

Bring the Kids for $1.

Also at 7:00 p.m.

Tickets to this event include Museum admission.

This performance, inspired by the exhibition, China: Through the Looking Glass, is made possible by Adrian Cheng. Additional funding is provided by Sarah Solomon Billinghurst.

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