Happy Lunar New Year from the USC US-China Institute!
James Harmon Hoose Library of Philosophy, USC
The Hoose Library of Philosophy has more than 50,000 volumes in all branches of academic philosophy. It is particularly rich in materials dealing with the history of modern philosophy, analytical philosophy and metaphysics. The library collects all major English language publications pertaining to academic philosophy. The Hoose Library of Philosophy has two collections of rare books that are housed in Special Collections on the second floor of the Doheny Library.
The Hoose Philosophy Library offers in-depth reference service during our normal hours of operation. Print and electronic reference sources are available in the library. For consultation on study topics or advice on what to read in any given area of philosophy, please contact the librarian.
The library instruction program for the Hoose Philosophy Library includes classroom presentations, course-integrated instruction, research seminars and workshops focused on both the undergaduate and graduate levels in philosophy and intellectual history. The librarian also offers orientation at the beginning of each semester for new graduate students in philosophy.
Mudd Hall of Philosophy
3709 Trousdale Parkway
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182
Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-8:00pm
Friday: 9:00am-5::00pm
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: 1:00pm-5:00pm
Tel: (213) 740-7434
Dr. Ross Scimeca
Head Librarian, Hoose Library of Philosophy
(213) 821 3129
MHP 201
Melissa Miller
Library and Student Supervisor
(213) 740 8081
MHP 201
For Additional Information:
Featured Articles
We note the passing of many prominent individuals who played some role in U.S.-China affairs, whether in politics, economics or in helping people in one place understand the other.
Ying Zhu looks at new developments for Chinese and global streaming services.
David Zweig examines China's talent recruitment efforts, particularly towards those scientists and engineers who left China for further study. U.S. universities, labs and companies have long brought in talent from China. Are such people still welcome?