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Zuozhan in the Context or Warring States Texts

On the occasion of the publication of a new translation of the Zuozhuan (Zuo Tradition) in the Classics of Chinese Thought series of the University of Washington Press, UCLA is hosting a gathering of scholars to consider the work in relation to other texts thought to have been composed or compiled during the Warring States period.

May 12, 2017 12:00am to May 13, 2017 12:00am

On the occasion of the publication of a new translation of the Zuozhuan (Zuo Tradition) in the Classics of Chinese Thought series of the University of Washington Press, UCLA is hosting a gathering of scholars to consider the work in relation to other texts thought to have been composed or compiled during the Warring States period. Even as recent archaeological discoveries have shed new light on the origins of the Zuozhuan, ongoing scholarship in the several historical and philological fields of Early China studies has continued to underline the central importance of this definitive text. Conference participants are invited to reflect on Zuozhuan’s origins, on its links with other texts of the time (e.g., philosophical, historical, legal, ritual), or more generally on its status as a product of and reflection of its era.

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