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Xiao Bai Fan

The Long Beach Qingdao Association presents a performance by the Xiao Bai Fan children's dance troupe from Qingdao.

October 4, 2010 6:30pm to 12:00am

Long Beach Celebrates 25 Years of Sisterhood with Chinese City of Qingdao
Anniversary Celebration October 2-4, 2010

Just as China launched its remarkable leap into the modern world, Long Beach, California, reached out and established a sister city relationship with one of its coastal cities, Qingdao. People in Qingdao were still wearing Mao jackets and riding bicycles and most people in Long Beach probably could not find China on a map. Today, all that has changed and the two cities will celebrate their relationship Oct. 2-4 with a series of activities in Long beach sponsored by the LBQA.

In the spotlight for the anniversary celebration will be the Xiao Bai Fan troupe. The visiting children's dance and music troupe is composed of 25 children from Qindao. See schedule below. For more information please contact

Xaio Bai Fan Perfomances:
Saturday, Oct. 2nd - Green Port Fest, Port of Long Beach at 10:20 a.m. & 12:30 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 3rd - Aquarium of the Pacific at 1:30 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 4th - LBQA 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner at 6:30 p.m.