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Writing Sex, Food and Politics

Li Ang, a prominent Taiwanese writer, investigates gender and politics in social life and literary creation, opening up new spaces of critical reflection on the question of women in literary writing.

October 7, 2011 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Writing Sex, Food, and Politics

Li Ang (李昂) has been internationally recognized as one of the most important contemporary writers in Taiwan since her first novel Butcher’s Wife was published in 1983. Many of her major works have been translated into multiple languages, published worldwide, reviewed by major newspapers, and made into films and television serials.

While gender politics surfaced in her early writings, Li Ang began to examine the intertwining of gender and politics in her historical narratives after the lifting of martial law (1987) in Taiwan.

Her major novels include Garden of Riddles (1990), The Incense Burner of Lust (1997), Autobiography: A Novel (2000), and The Visible Ghost (2003). Her works combine critical reflections on postcolonial politics with gender politics to examine the questions of women in Taiwan.

Special Instructions

NOTE: ROOM CHANGE to YRL 23167, 2nd Floor WEC Presentation Room

For more information please contact

Joy Yang
Tel: 310-825-8683


Phone Number: 
(310) 825-8683