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Welfare, Work, and Poverty: Social Assistance in China

The Columbia University Weatherhead East Asian Institute presents Professor Qin Gao discussing her new book evaluating the impact and effectiveness of China’s primary social assistance program since it’s inception in 1993.

April 13, 2017 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Qin Gao, Professor of Social Policy and Social Work, Columbia School of Social Work
No Registration Required.
Co-sponsored by the Asia-Pacific Affairs Council
In this presentation, Professor Gao will discuss her new book, Welfare, Work, and Poverty. This work evaluates the impact and effectiveness of China’s primary social assistance program — Minimum Livelihood Guarantee (Dibao) — since it’s inception in 1993. Dibao serves the dual function of providing a basic safety net for the poor and maintaining social and political stability.
Free and Open to the Public