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U.S.-Sino Film Cooperation Forum

A discussion presented by the The 10th Chinese American Film Festival

November 3, 2014 9:30am to 12:30pm

The 10th Chinese American Film Festival-U.S-Sino Film Cooperation Forum is organized by EDI Media, Chinese American Film Festival, and China Film Promotion International, supported by the State Administration of Press Publication, Radio,Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China (SAPPRFT) and the Motion Pictures Association (MPA)and  ACCS.

Being the only film festival officially recorded in the annual U.S. Congressional Report, the CAFF has been listed as the 55th of 104 national projects during the U.S.-China High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange (CPE) on this year. In this context, on November 3rd, 2014, both China and U.S film industry leaders together will convene the Chinese American Film Festival Forum to discuss the present situation and prospects of future cooperation in all aspects of film production.

The Chinese delegation will be led by the new Chairman of China Film Group, Mr. La Peikang, along with more than a dozen of C-level executives from major Chinese film studios, in attend- ing the panel discussion on November 3rd and the CAFF Opening Ceremony on November 4th. For the very first time, their U.S counterparts, including all six major Hollywood studios, will be represented by their respective Chairmen and EVPs in this year’s dialog.

In addition, the MPA and other prestigious institutions such as the University of Southern California will offer their academic support to the Forum.

Light lunch and refreshments will be served.

Please click here for more information and to register online.


由美國鷹龍傳媒,中美電影節、中國電影海外推廣公司主辦,中國國家新聞出版廣電總局, 美国美中企业家商会等作爲支持單位,美國電影協會(MPA)協辦的第十届中美電影節中美電影合作高峰論壇將於11月3日在美國洛杉磯皇冠酒店隆重舉行。

