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Ten Years in the WTO: Has China Kept Its Promises?

The Congressional-Executive Commission announces a hearing assessing China's ten years in the World Trade Organization.

December 13, 2011 2:30pm to 4:00pm

Ten years ago, on December 11, 2001, China officially joined the World Trade Organization. China's entry into the WTO ushered in a new era in its relationship with the United States and the rest of the world. China made numerous promises to reduce trade barriers, open up markets, increase transparency, protect intellectual property rights, and reform its legal system to make it consistent with WTO requirements. Policymakers hoped at the time that China's WTO membership would lead to advances in the broader development of the rule of law as well. Has China kept its promises and played by the rules? What impact has WTO membership had on the development of the rule of law in China? Has WTO membership leveled the economic playing field as many had hoped?


Panel 1:

Claire Reade, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China Affairs, Office of the United States Trade Representative

Panel 2:

Grant D. Aldonas, Principal Managing Director, Split Rock International, former Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade (2001-2005)

Alan H. Price, Partner and Chair of the International Trade Practice, Wiley Rein LLP

Clyde V. Prestowitz, Jr., Founder and President, Economic Strategy Institute

