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Starting Anew as a Poet: Tendencies in Contemporary Chinese Poetry 重新做一个诗人:中国当代诗歌的倾向

The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies presents Eleanor Goodman and Ao Wang speaking on the topic of contemporary Chinese poetry. Ling Zhang of Boston College will be moderator.

November 11, 2014 4:15pm to 6:00pm

Eleanor Goodman is a writer and a translator of Chinese. She is an associate in research at the Fairbank Center at Harvard University and spent a year at Peking University on a Fulbright fellowship. Goodman has been an artist in residence at the American Academy in Rome and was awarded a Henry Luce Translation Fellowship at the Vermont Studio Center. Her book of translations, Something Crosses My Mind: Selected Poems of Wang Xiaoni (2014) was the recipient of a 2013 PEN/Heim Translation Grant. 

Ao Wang is an assistant professor of East Asian Studies at Wesleyan University. His main academic interest is classical Chinese poetry. He has also published five books of his own poetry and has been the recipient of prizes such as the Anne Kao Poetry Prize and most recently the New Poet Prize from People's Literature. He has translated the work of poets such as Wallace Stevens, Hart Crane, and W.H. Auden into Chinese. He received his PhD from Yale University.

Moderator and organizer: Ling Zhang, History Department, Boston College

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(617) 495-4046