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Perspectives on Current U.S. - Taiwan Relations

The Sigur Center will present a luncheon and talk on U.S. - Taiwan Relations.

December 8, 2010 12:00pm to 2:00pm

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Luncheon
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM: Discussion

"US-Taiwan Military Relations since 2008"

  • Bernard Cole: Professor of International History, National War College

"Achievable Goals for Bilateral Relations in 2011"

  • Rupert Hammond-Chambers: President, U.S. - Taiwan Business Council

"US-Taiwan Political Relations"

  • Bonnie Glaser: Senior Fellow, Freeman Chair in China Studies and Senior Associate, Pacific Forum, Center for Strategic International Studies

Moderated by Edward McCord: Associate Professor of History and International Affairs, Director, Taiwan Education and Research Program, The George Washington University

Please RSVP at by Tuesday, December 7.

Phone Number: 
(202) 994-6240