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Noted Author of China’s New Confucianism to speak at Nichols

Dr. Bell will speak on his new book and the revival of Confucianism.

October 14, 2009 12:00am

On October 14, Dr. Daniel Bell, author of the entertaining and illuminating book China’s New Confucianism: Politics and Everyday Life in a Changing Society, will speak on the revival of Confucianism in China. Dr. Bell will examine China’s search for a new moral foundation for political rule to replace communism and for a new philosophy to provide moral guidance in everyday life. To the surprise of many Sinologists, Dr. Bell has found that the new philosophy developing in China does not owe much to Western political philosophy, but rather to the old and venerable tradition of Confucianism. Dr. Bell will explore these changes and discuss proposals for a progressive form of Confucianism that offers a compelling alternative to Western liberal democracy.Dr. Bell is professor of political philosophy at Tsinghua University in Beijing. His other writings include Beyond Liberal Democracy: Political Thinking for an East Asian Context and East Meets West: Human Rights and Democracy in East Asia.

Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Time: 7:00-8:30 pm

Location: The Nichols School, Library Reading Room