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New Developments in Chinese IP Law: Copyright Revisions and Enforcement Challenges

The UC Berkley Institute of East Asian Studies presents an all-day conference to discuss Chinese IP law

October 4, 2012 8:45am to 5:30pm

This all-day conference will bring together senior policymakers, academics and international practitioners from China and the U.S. to discuss two important topics: (1) Revisions to the Chinese Copyright laws, which will significantly impact U.S. and Chinese companies operating in the China market; and (2) enforcement challenges and strategies in China for holders of Chinese IP rights.

Register by October 4 online.

Registration required: $25 University of California Student, Faculty or Staff, $50 Non-University of California Student, Faculty or Staff, $50 Government, Non-profit or Individual, $50 BCLT Sponsors, $100 Corporate or Law Firm
Phone Number: 
(510) 642-8073