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The Middle Kingdom Looks East, West, North and South: China’s Strategies on its Periphery

Edward Luttwak leads a discussion of China's strategy toward its border States and Pacific neighbors

December 16, 2013 9:00am to 10:30am

China’s recent declaration of an air defense identification zone in the East China Sea and its territorial claims over 80% of the South China Sea are focusing renewed American attention on Chinese strategy.  To understand China’s policies, deployments, and ambitions in the Western Pacific, we must analyze China’s attitudes toward all of its 14 border States and Pacific neighbors, and toward its near and more distant seas.

The Kissinger Institute’s 2013 series of public programs will conclude with a talk by renowned author Edward Luttwak, who will lead a discussion of China’s strategy throughout its periphery, with an emphasis on the Diaoyu/Senkakus and other regional disputes.    

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