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Life, Liberty, and the U.S.-China Relationship with Chen Guangcheng

A talk by world-renowned Chinese human rights lawyer Chen Guangcheng.

April 1, 2013 5:30pm to 12:00am

Chen Guangcheng is one of the most prominent human rights activists in the world.  Blind since a young age, this self-taught lawyer has focused on exposing human rights abuses in China such as forced abortions and other violations of women’s rights, worker rights, and the rights of the poor.  For his activism, he spent four years in prison in China and additional years under house arrest before his dramatic escape last year captivated global attention.  He now lives in the United States and will speak on the current human rights situation in China and what it means for the US-China relationship. The conversation will be moderated by Bob Fu, a former prisoner of conscience in China and the founder of China Aid Association.
Free and open to the public but registration is required. Register for the event here.

Free and open to the public but registration is required.
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