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Le Deluge Après Mao: China’s Surging Contemporary Arts Scene

Dr. Patricia Karetzky will speak on China's art scene at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga.

November 18, 2010 5:30pm to 12:00am

Dr. Bob Swansbrough, UTC Political Science Professor, recently returned from a Fulbright Scholar experience in China.  Along with Ruth Grover, UTC Curator, Swansbrough has planned Focus on China, a month-long series of exhibitions, demonstrations and lectures.  The free presentations are open to the public, and sponsored by the UTC College of Arts and Sciences.

Dr. Patricia Karetzky is the O. Munsterberg Chair of Asian Art at Bard College.

B.A. New York University; M.A., Hunter College; Ph.D., Institute of
Fine Arts, New York University; Adjunct Professor, Lehman College, CUNY.
Areas of Interest:
Primary field of specialization is Chinese Medieval art, especially religious art, concentrating on Buddhism and Taoism. Secondary area is Ancient Buddhist Art in India. See listed below several books written on the archaeological finds of the Tang Dynasty, (618-905) and the evolution of Scenes of the Life of the Buddha in India, and on Early Buddhist Narrative in Central Asia, China, Korea and Japan. Editor of the Journal of Chinese Religions published in association with Bard, and curator of exhibitions on contemporary Asian Art.
1998 Lehman College Art of the Twentieth Century and the Traditional Chinese Literary Culture (Catalogue Lehman Art/Bard College Gallery, NY, 1998, 70 pp.)
1999 “Art of the Twentieth Century and the Traditional Chinese Literary Culture,” Bard College.
2001 ,”Confessions: The Contemporary Art of Asian Women,” Hammond Art Gallery, North Salem, NY Review Westchester: Weekend, April 26, 2001, p. 3.
2002 ” If the Shoe Fits…..Femininity in Contemporary Asian Art ” Lehman College ( If the Shoe Fits…..Femininity in Contemporary Asian Art) (link to picture 1) Bard College February 2003 Link to Lehman College, click on Lehman College Art Gallery/exhibitions/archive of past shows to: “If the Shoe Fits…”
1. The Life of the Buddha: Pictorial and Scriptural Evidence in India. Latham, MD: University Press, 1992 ISBN: 0-8191-8791-7
2. Court Art of the Tang Dynasty. Latham, MD: University Press, 1996, ISBN: 0-7618-0210-0
3. Arts of the Tang Dynasty, Images of Asia. Oxford University Press, 1996, ISBN 9-780195-877311
4. Early Buddhist Narratives: Illustrations of the Life of the Buddha from Central Asia, China, Korea and Japan. Latham, MD: University Press, 2000, ISBN 9-780761-816713
5. Buddhist Art in China, Images of Asia. Oxford University Press, 2002, ISBN 9-780195-928570
6. Guan Yin Buddhist Deity of Compassion in China, Images of Asia. Oxford University Press, 2004, ISBN 9-780195-930887

Free and open to the public
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