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Inauguration of the Kissinger Institute on China and the United States

On Tuesday, July 29, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars will inaugurate the Kissinger Institute on China and the United States. The Kissinger Institute is dedicated to Dr. Henry A. Kissinger's legacy and vision of the importance of the U.S.-China bilateral relationship. It will promote greater awareness of the U.S.-China relationship and its impact on both countries and the world.

July 29, 2008 11:15am to 12:15pm

The Kissinger Institute is dedicated to bringing to bear the power of ideas and scholarship on the world of public affairs in order to provide policymakers and the policy community with relevant insights into the many factors that underlie the respective behavior patterns and world views of China and the United States. Through the use of seminars, workshops, briefings and conferences, the Kissinger Institute will improve bilateral comprehension, communication, and cooperation between the two countries.

This non-partisan institute will be directed by Ambassador J. Stapleton Roy. Dr. Kissinger will serve as the Founding U.S. Co-Chair of the Institute’s Council, and Xu Kuangdi, the former Mayor of Shanghai and President of the Chinese Engineering Academy and the China America Friendship Association, will be the Chinese Co-Chair. The Kissinger Institute Council will act in an advisory capacity and be comprised of corporate, public, non-profit, and academic members interested in, and working on, U.S.-China relations.



Yang Jiechi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China
Henry A. Kissinger, U.S. co-chairman, Kissinger Institute
Stephen J. Hadley, Asst. to the President for National Security Affairs
Joseph B. Gildenhorn, Chairman, Wilson Center Board of Trustees
David A. Metzner, Vice Chairman, Wilson Center Board of Trustees