Happy Lunar New Year from the USC US-China Institute!
Fusion Friday: Royal Taste
USC Pacific Asia Museum hosts a special evening viewing of the new exhibit, Royal Taste.
Fusion Friday
Come for a special evening viewing of Royal Taste: The Art of Princely Courts in Fifteenth-Century China and enjoy cocktails, conversation, music and fun hands-on activities in the courtyard.
Admission: $15 presale, $18 nonmembers at the door. Free for members. Admission includes the Royal Taste exhibition. Designed for adults. Click here to reserve your tickets now.
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We note the passing of many prominent individuals who played some role in U.S.-China affairs, whether in politics, economics or in helping people in one place understand the other.
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David Zweig examines China's talent recruitment efforts, particularly towards those scientists and engineers who left China for further study. U.S. universities, labs and companies have long brought in talent from China. Are such people still welcome?