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Conference: Urban Chinese Living, 1600 - Present

The Institute of East Asian Studies hosts experts on Urban Chinese Living.

August 6, 2011 12:00pm to 6:00pm

Doctoral Projects:

Built Environment:
Wen-hsin Yeh, Chair

Jennifer Choo
, Sociology, University of California, Berkeley
“Going Global and Yet Remaining Local: An Analysis of China’s Real Estate Industry”

Cecilia Chu, Architecture, University of California, Berkeley
“Speculative Urbanism: The Garden City Movement and Suburban Development in Colonial Hong Kong, 1912–1925”

Corey Byrnes, East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of California, Berkeley
“The Aesthetics of Demolition in the Three Gorges Work of Jia Zhangke and Yun-fei Ji”

On Space and People:
Kevin O’Brien, Chair
1:30–2:45 pm:

Nicolas Tackett, Assistant Professor, History, University of California, Berkeley
“Urban-based Marriage Networks in the Late Tang Capital Cities”

Kevin O’Brien
, Professor, Political Science, University of California, Berkeley
“Local People’s Congresses and Governance”

Wen-hsin Yeh, Professor, History, University of California, Berkeley
“The Printer, the Camera, and the City”

Emerging Research at the Academia Sinica:
Max Ko-Wu Huang, Chair
3:00–4:15 pm:

Max Ko-Wu Huang, Director, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica

Hsi-yuan Chen, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica

Huei-min Sun, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica

Keynote Address:

4:30–6:00 pm: Sherman Cochran, Professor, History, Cornell University
“Making Comparisons in Chinese Urban Studies”

All events are free and wheelchair accessible, unless otherwise noted.
Phone Number: 
(510) 642-2809