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Chinese Traditional Concert & Workshop

The Duke University Asian Pacific Studies Institute welcomes you to come and enjoy traditional Chinese music performed by the RTP Chinese Music Ensemble and some of its very own Duke students. The event will feature the sounds of instruments such as the erhu, guzheng, pipa, dizi, guqin, and hulusi.

November 8, 2014 7:00pm to 9:00pm

The Traditional Chinese Concert and Workshop event will be taking place on Saturday, November 8 from 7-9pm in the Nelson Music Room. Come and enjoy traditional Chinese music performed by the RTP Chinese Music Ensemble and some of our very own Duke students. The event will feature the sounds of instruments such as the erhu, guzheng, pipa, dizi, guqin, and hulusi. Some of these instruments first made their way into China by way of the Silk Road and were reinvented into key instruments of the Chinese musical tradition. You can get up close and personal with some of these instruments after the concert and even learn to play a tune during the workshop. It is sure to be an evening of immersion in beautiful Chinese music and tradition.

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