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A Chinese Printmaker's Cultural Identity and the Transformation in Contemporary Printmaking

Stanford University's Center for East Asian Studies presents Qi Chen who speak on the developments of printmaking in China today.

October 20, 2011 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Featured Speaker:
Qi Chen
Professor, Prints Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing

In this lecture, Qi Chen will introduce developments in contemporary Chinese printmaking and discuss what topics attract printmakers' attention. By examining works of representative artists such as Bing Xu and Qi Chen, he will outline some central concepts underlying contemporary printmaking.

Born in 1963, Qi CHEN was trained as a printmaker at the Nanjing Art Academy.  He is now professor in the Prints Department at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.  Among the several prominent prizes that he has received is the Gold medal of the 13th National Print Exhibition (1996).  His works have been collected by China National Art Museum, British Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum, the New York Public Library, and Shanghai Museum.