Happy Lunar New Year from the USC US-China Institute!
China's Human Rights Lawyers: Current Challenges and Prospects
The Congressional-Executive Commission on China presents a roundtable discussion.
At this CECC Roundtable a panel of experts will discuss China's human rights lawyers and their role in advancing the rule of law in China. What is the relationship between these lawyers and the Chinese government and the Communist Party? Why have Chinese authorities recently stripped some prominent rights lawyers of their lawyers' licenses? What explains the increasing harassment of human rights lawyers, what does the future hold for them, and what does their treatment suggest about the development of the rule of law in China?
Jerome A. Cohen, Professor, New York University School of Law; Co-director, U.S.-Asia Law Institute; and Adjunct Senior Fellow for Asia Studies, Council on Foreign Relations
James V. Feinerman, Professor of Asian Legal Studies, Georgetown University Law Center; Co-Director, Asian Law and Policy Studies Program
Nury Turkel, Attorney with Kirstein & Young, PLLC
Bob (Xiqiu) Fu, Founder and President of China Aid Association (CAA)
CECC Roundtables are open to the public. No RSVP is necessary.
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