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China Reality Check: A Readout on China's Annual Legislative Session

The Center for Strategic and International Studies presents their annual legislative session. Veteran China watcher Dali Yang will help us analyze the major developments of the NPC and the upcoming policy agenda for the top leadership. CSIS Freeman Chair Christopher K. Johnson will analyze what the NPC session shows about the evolution of leadership politics and the trajectory of China’s foreign policy. The discussion will be moderated by Freeman Chair deputy director Scott Kennedy.

March 16, 2015 2:00pm to 3:30pm

This year’s annual session of the National People’s Congress (NPC), held during the first two weeks of March, comes at a critical time: China’s economy has slowed, the anti-corruption campaign is in high gear, concern about the environment is at an all-time high, and relations with the US, Japan, and others are not very stable. Moreover, Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang have promised that 2015 will be the year of going beyond talk and carrying out economic reforms. All of these issues will come up at the NPC. Although an orchestrated event, there is always room for surprises and unexpected developments. Veteran China watcher Dali Yang will help us analyze the major developments of the NPC and the upcoming policy agenda for the top leadership. CSIS Freeman Chair Christopher K. Johnson will analyze what the NPC session shows about the evolution of leadership politics and the trajectory of China’s foreign policy. The discussion will be moderated by Freeman Chair deputy director Scott Kennedy.

The People's Representatives Listen and Speak: A Readout on China's Annual Legislative Session

Dali L. Yang Professor
Department of Political Science,
The University of Chicago

With commentary from:
Christopher K. Johnson
Freeman Chair in China Studies, CSIS

Moderated by:
Scott Kennedy
Deputy Director, Freeman Chair in China Studies
Director,  Project on Chinese Business and Political Economy, CSIS

Free and Open to the Public
Phone Number: 
(202) 887-0200