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China since the Global Crisis: Ascent Uninterrupted?

A colloquium with David Lampton and Victor Shih will be held at UCLA.

April 18, 2011 2:00pm to 5:00pm

This colloquium will consider the economic and geopolitical rise of China in its most recent phases—causes, results, possibilities and limits—especially in the wake of the global economic crisis. What are the implications of the increase of Chinese economic and military power for the international system—above all for China's relations with the United States, but also for its relations with its near neighbors in East Asia, as well as its raw material trading partners in the third world.

What are the consequences of rapid economic growth and accompanying sociopolitical transformations for China's internal regime?. Will China’s unprecedented expansion continue as before? Can the economy be expected to transition from export-dependent growth to an orientation to the domestic market without much difficulty? How has the most recent phase of super-fast growth affected the fortunes of different classes at the national level and especially the local level. To what extent is the massive growth of income inequality provoking resistance from peasants? From workers?
David Lampton (SAIS, Johns Hopkins University) has written, most recently, The Three Faces of Chinese Power: Might, Money and Minds (2008). His other books include: Same Bed, Different Dreams: Managing U.S.-China Relations, 1989-2000 (2001) and Bureaucracy, Politics and Decision-Making in Post-Mao China, co-editor (1992).
Victor Shih  (Department of Political Science, Northwestern University) is the author of Factions and Finance in China: Elite Conflict and Inflation (2007). He hosts the blog Elite Chinese Politics and Political Economy at:
