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China and the Greater Mekong Region in the Historical Perspective of Border Cultures

This conference at the University of Illinois will feature four professors who will talk on the history of the greater Mekong region in China.

November 13, 2010 9:00am to 12:30pm

Dr. TzeHuey Chiou-Peng
Department of Anthropology
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Introduction: The Western Borderlands of China in Pre-Buddhist Era:  A Cultural Crossroad to the Chinese Central Plains, Eurasian Steppes, and Southeast Asia

Dr. Katheryn Linduff
Department of Anthropology/Department of History of Art and Architecture
University of Pittsburgh
Title: Made In China: Social-Economic and Political Implications of “Steppe-Style" Artifacts Produced in Pre-Imperial Qin

Dr. Nam Kim
Department of Anthropology
University of Wisconsin- Madison
Title: Interregional Trade and Emergent Social Complexity in Metal Age Northern Vietnam

Dr. Ian Glover
Institute of Archaeology
University College London
Title: Early Vietnam – trading communities and the emergence of Champa

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(217) 333-7273