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China’s Impending Leadership Transition

Foreign Policy Research Institute will host a public talk about Impending Leadership Transition in China on July 11, 2012.

July 11, 2012 5:45pm to 8:00pm

Jacques deLisle is Director of FPRI’s Asia Program and Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania, specializing in US-China relations, Chinese politics and legal reform, cross-strait relations, and the international status of Taiwan. He regularly publishes commentaries on Asian affairs as FPRI E-notes and in other media. He serves regularly as an expert witness on issues of P.R.C., Hong Kong and Taiwan law and government policies. He is a member of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, vice-chair of the Pacific Rim section of the American Society of International Law, and a consultant, lecturer and advisor to foreign-assisted legal reform, development and education programs, primarily in the PRC. He received a J.D. and graduate education in political science at Harvard.

Free for Members of FPRI and Educators, $20 for non-members