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A Changing Europe in an Uncertain World

Georgia Tech hosts a conference on “A Changing Europe in an Uncertain World.” It includes a panel on China and Russia.

April 13, 2018 1:00pm to 6:00pm

This conference takes stock of the European Union’s role in the world at a time of internal and external challenges.  The United Kingdom’s decision to leave the EU will have implications both for what the EU tries to achieve beyond its borders and how effective it is in realizing those objectives.  At the same, the new United States Administration has created unprecedented uncertainty about the future of the transatlantic relationship and about the US’s role in the world more generally.  These dramatic shocks occur against a backdrop of China’s continued rise and Russia’s assertiveness, both of which contribute to an increasingly turbulent international environment.


4:30 The state of the EU’s relationships with China and Russia

Chair: Robert Kennedy (Atlanta Council on International Relations)


Scott Brown (Georgia Tech)

Theresa Fallon (Center for Russia, Europe, Asia Studies)


Adam Stulberg (Georgia Tech)

Celeste Wallander (US-Russia Foundation)


See Full Conference Schedule on Event Website

Registration is NOT required