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Celestial Fragrance: Chinese Flower-and-Bird Painting

Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents an exhibition of Chinese flower-and-bird paintings from the Ming and Qing dynasties.

February 26, 2012 12:00am to June 30, 2012 12:00am

This exhibition presents an enduring tradition of Chinese flower-and-bird painting during the Ming and Qing dynasties (fourteenth through nineteenth century). Drawn from the holdings of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, the exhibition features a group of thirty stunning scrolls. It will show the diversity in style: some of the artists worked mainly with descriptive line and color on silk, pursued a meticulous, naturalistic rendering, a dazzling surface, and a sensuous effect, the others tended to favor a more expressive style, deliberately departed from naturalistic rendering and pursued impressionistic effects. The exhibition also explores the symbolism beyond the fragrance and natural beauty: often the motifs in these paintings were suffused with poetic overtones or imbued with social, religious, and political allusions, and have been used to express an endless range of meanings and sentiments.

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(888) MIA ARTS (642-2787) (Toll Free)