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Celebration to mark the 150th Anniversary of the birth of Dr. Sun Yat-sen

The Memorial of the Original Site of Whampao Military Academy and the Chinese American Museum will sponsor an event celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

November 6, 2016 11:00am to 8:00pm
 November 6, 2016, Sunday

11:00 am

  • Guided Tour of El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument where Sun spoke to hundreds of people about the Chinese revolution in 1905, the site of Tuey Far Low Restaurant where Sun raised funds and Old Chinatown
  • Meet at the Chinese American Museum (430 N Main St, Los Angeles, CA 90012  (right across Union Station)).
4:30 pm 
  • Seminar and Photo Exhibition on [ Sun Yat-sen & Whampao Military Academy] by Mr. Zhou Jun, Vice Curator of Guangdong Museum of Revolutionary History & Memorial of the Original Site of Huangpu Military Academy
  • Meet at the Golden Dragon Restaurant (960 N Broadway, Los Angeles Chinatown 90012).
 6:00 pm Opening and Welcome Banquet
  • Representative from Chinese Consulate Office
  • First Chinese American US Army Major General William Chen
  • Meet Whampao Delegation
Sponsored by: Memorial of the Original Site of Whampao Military Academy & the Chinese American Museum
Organized by: Pedro Chan (213) 718-0916 l. There is no charge for tour, seminar and viewing exhibition. For Opening and Welcome Banquet, it is $50 per person, $100 VIP.
RVSP by email
$50 per person, $100 VIP
Phone Number: 