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Book Launch: Sustaining U.S.-China Cooperation in Clean Energy

The Kissinger Institute on China and the United States presents a book talk with author Merritt Cooke.

September 24, 2012 9:00am to 10:30am

Speaker and Author:
Merritt T. Cooke, China Partnership of Greater Philadelphia
J. Stapleton Roy, Kissinger Institute on China and the U.S.
Sustaining U.S.-China Cooperation in Clean Energy (Wilson Center Publication) provides a governmental and private-sector overview of the complex dynamics of competition and cooperation behind U.S. and Chinese national efforts to develop their solar, wind, and other alternative energy industries. It assesses systemic differences in clean energy policy between the United States and China and identifies areas of congruence as well as disparity. In conclusion, it presents a model whereby clean energy innovations in both countries can be brought to global scale through risk-mitigated mechanisms of collaboration.

The book aims squarely at the middle-ground with commercial trend analysis backed by technical experience to guide readers expertly through the breadth and depth of these complex issues. A must-read for cleantech firms positioning their products and services for the global market.

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