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Authors on Asia: Pierre Odier

The Pacific Asia Museum presents a talk with Pierre Odier, explorer and photographer, as a part of the series Authors on Asia.

February 24, 2013 2:00pm to 12:00am

The Silk Road was once one of the world’s most significant commercial arteries spanning the entire length of Asia. Explorer and photographer Pierre Odier will speak on his re-tracing of  Marco Polo’s route using modern Land Rovers instead of camels, on an adventure that covered 20,000 kilometers in 85 days. Odier’s Some Last People: Vanishing Tribes of Bhutan, China, Mexico, Mongolia and Siberia and Cambodia Angkor: A Lasting Legacy will be available for purchase and signing.  RSVP to 626-449-2742 ext. 20.

Phone Number: 
(626) 449-2742