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Amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the Arms Export Control Act, United States Code Title 22 Chapter 32 Sections 2378a, Enacted 21 July 1996

This section of the U.S.C. was originally Public Law 87-195 Part III Sec. 620G. It was amended by Public Law 104-164 (H.R. 3121) Title I Sec. 149.
July 21, 1996

United States Code
CHAPTER 32 - Foreign Assistance
SUBCHAPTER III - General and Administrative Provisions
Part 1. General Provisions

    * Sec. 2378a . Depleted uranium ammunition
          o (a) Prohibition
            Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, none of the funds made available to carry out this chapter or any other Act may be made available to facilitate in any way the sale of M-833 antitank shells or any comparable antitank shells containing a depleted uranium penetrating component to any country other than -
                (1) a country that is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization;
                (2) a country that has been designated as a major non-NATO ally
                (3) Taiwan. 
          o (b) Exception
            The prohibition contained in subsection (a) of this section shall not apply with respect to the use of funds to facilitate the sale of antitank shells to a country if the President determines that to do so is in the national security interest of the United States.

