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China's New Media Dilemma: The Profit in Online Dissent

Has the debate over the role of new communications technology in China's political system really been decided?

Cold War Borders in a Post-Socialist World: Hong Kong / China

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies presents a talk by James Watson on the fate of international borders that were transformed by the collapse of cold-war socialism and the triumph of global capitalism.

Chinese Voices

An hour-long screening of video vignettes followed by a question and answer session with digital journalists.

How Aggressive is China?

The Sigur Center for Asian Studies co-hosts a panel discussion on China's geopolitical policies to date and its goals for the future.

Maritime Security Challenges 2016: Pacific Seapower

The Navy League of Canada and the Royal Canadian Navy hosts a conference on maritime security challenges in the Pacific.

Deadlock to Detente: Could India's Strategic Competition with China Mean Peace with Pakistan?

The Sigur Center for Asian Studies' Rising Powers Initiative cordially invites you to a discussion by Neil Padukone, author of "Beyond South Asia: India's Strategic Evolution and the Reintegration of the Subcontinent".

Republic Of China (Taiwan), National Defense Report, 1992

Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) publishes reports on “what it has done, what it is doing, what it prepares to do, why it is going to do so” to the people in accordance with Article 30 of the National Defense Act. The National Defense Report is published to give citizens a better understanding of the nation’s current security environment and national defense policy. 


Rivers of Iron: Railroads and Chinese Power in Southeast Asia

Please join the USC U.S.-China Institute for a book talk with author David M. Lampton. His new book examines China’s effort to create an intercountry railway system connecting China and its seven Southeast Asian neighbors. 

The Limits of Chinese Influence in East Asia: Status Seeking and Rising Power Stagnation

Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies hosts a talk by Björn Jerdén on the falling influence of China in East Asia.

Crisis in the East China Sea: Strategic Implications of China's Air Defense Identification Zone

The CSIS-Schieffer Series Dialogues hosts a discussion of the new zone China has implemented in the East China Sea and what it means for the region
