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David Shambaugh: Where Great Powers Meet, America and China in Southeast Asia

David Shambaugh speaks on his new book focusing on the United States and China in one of the world's most dynamic regions.

Hong Kong in the Shadow of China: Meet the Author

An expert on China and Hong Kong affairs, Richard Bush takes us inside the demonstrations and demands of the protesters as well as highlights the measures that Hong Kong and China must take to ensure the city's economic competitiveness and good governance.

Uneasy Triangle: The United States, China, and Russia and the New Global Order

Throughout the Cold War era, the triangular relationship formed between the United States, China, and Russia was central to forming modern global o

Is Armed Conflict with China Avoidable?

The Commonwealth Club of California presents Professor Christopher Twomey who will speak on China's foreign policy and security issues in East Asia.

Nirupama Rao: Fractured Himalaya -- Understanding India-China Relations

Career diplomat Nirupama Rao discusses her new book on understanding India-China relations.

The Mongol-Yuan in Chinese History with Liu Yingsheng

USC hosts a talk given by Liu Yingsheng, chair of the National Society of Mongol-Yuan Studies.

30 Years after Showa: Japan - China Relations in Uncharted Eras

The USC U.S.-China Institute presents a discussion with Akira Chiba, the Consul General of the Japanese consulate in Los Angeles, on Japan's relations with China.

Who Authorized Preparations for War With China?

The Sigur Center for Asian Studies at The George Washington University and the Kissinger Institute on China and the United States at the Woodrow Wilson Center present a panel discussion on the Pentagon's AirSeaBattle Plan (ASB), a new system that will intensify the strategic atmosphere in the Pacific.

China and global governance: what have we learnt so far?

The UC Berkeley Institute of East Asian Studies will host Dr. Yves Tiberghien to discuss China and global governance.
