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The Growing Impact of the CCP as an Organization in the Chinese Communist Revolution

Jin Xu, a Doctoral Candidate in Sociology at the University of Chicago will speak on Chinese politics.

China's Favourite Pottery for Tea, Yixing Ware

Art Gallery of Greater Victoria presents an exhibit of Yixing tea wares.

One Country, Two Cultures: Can Hong Kong Find Its Way?

The China Institute hosts a talk on the future of Hong Kong as a part of China, and as a world financial center.

The Strange and Curious History of the Illegal Alien

Evelyn Hu-DeHart - Professor of History and Ethnic Studies, Brown University

McCain and Obama Advisors to Debate Asia Policy

Senior foreign policy advisors to presidential candidates Senator McCain and Senator Obama will debate the future of U.S. foreign policy toward the Asia-Pacific

Heribert Dieter: Europe and China and the Changing Geopolitical Environment

Tensions evident in the recent European Union-China virtual summit reflect the increasing skepticism in Europe toward China and the worries over Ukraine and economic ties as well as human rights and environmental issues.

Taiwan’s January 2012 Presidential and Legislative Elections

The Center for Strategic and International Studies hosts an event to discuss election implications for Taiwan, the United States, and cross-strait relations.

Screening: Blue Sky Bones

University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies hosts a screening of Blue Sky Bones, a story about history, family, music, and politics.

Symposium: China’s Economy Today ~ The New Normal and Old Challenges

The University of Michigan's Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies will hold a symposium on Chinese economics.
