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报导中国(美国记者关于中国):震荡的中国 (Assignment: China - Tremors 中文字幕版)

February 9, 2018


报导中国(美国记者关于中国):八十年代 (Assignment: China - The 1980s 中文字幕版)

February 7, 2018


报导中国(美国记者关于中国):两个中国的故事 (Assignment: China - A Tale of Two Chinas 中文字幕版)

February 7, 2018


报导中国(美国记者关于中国):千禧年 (Assignment: China - The New Millennium 中文字幕版)

February 7, 2018


Davis, Imperial Bandits - Outlaws and Rebels in the China-Vietnam Borderlands, 2017

December 31, 2017

Bradley Camp Davis's book was reviewed for the History of Asia network by Joshua Herr. It is reprinted here via Creative Commons license.

Talking Points: Trump's China Strategy and Our Holiday Wishes, Dec. 22, 2017

December 21, 2017

The USC U.S.-China Institute needs your help. All gifts help us move forward in our work. This week's Talking Points discusses the Trump National Security Strategy and includes our calendar of China-focused exhibitions across North America.

China in U.S. National Security Strategy Reports, 1987-2017

December 18, 2017
In 1947, at the start of the Cold War, the U.S. Congress began requiring presidents to submit an annual report outlining U.S.

Roselyn Du on Media Portrayal of "Occupy Central"

November 22, 2017

Visiting scholar Roselyn Du examines how the Occupy Central in Hong Kong was presented in the news coverage by U.K., U.S., Hong Kong, Taiwan, and mainland China media.

Randall Schriver, Confirmation Hearing Testimony and Submissions, November 16, 2017

November 16, 2017

Schriver was nominated by Pres. Donald Trump to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian-Pacific Affairs. He served as a Naval Intelligence Officer, then served in the Defense Department and the State Department. In the private sector he was a co-founder of Armitage International, a consulting firm, and founded and led Project 2049.


观看 “中国牌:政治与政策”南加大美中学院十周年会议

November 16, 2017

观看 “中国牌:政治与政策”南加大美中学院十周年会议。本次会议在2016年9月29日于南加州大学丽笙酒店举办。
